The story itself takes place in the year 2104, 11 years after the Prometheus expedition went missing. Once again, the second Alien prequel kicks off with a distant prologue which teases future events and discoveries. Cast: Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup.
#Invisible movie list tv
In a hilarious move, the upcoming TV series, which Scott is producing and actively working on, appears to be playing the same card and trashing his take on the Xenos’ origin, as it will take place on Earth “in the near future.” Continuity? They don’t know her. The sci-fi rules of all the chaos and horror that ensue are confusing to say the least, but Scott and his team made one thing clear: the classic Xenomorph didn’t exist at this point, instantly vaporizing both AvP movies out of the timeline. While Xenomorphs as we know them don’t show up in this movie, we learned tons about their makers – referred to as Engineers – and their connection to humankind. The first of the Alien prequels by original director Ridley Scott starts in 2089 (prologue aside), with archaeologists Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and Charlie Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) discovering an ancient star map on Earth that sends them – backed by the Weyland Corporation – to the distant moon LV-223, where they arrive in December 2093. Cast: Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron.As bad as the movie is, the Yutani nod was a cool note to end on. This ain’t canon anymore for the Alien franchise, but as mentioned before, the AvP movies have been embraced by the Predator timeline. This movie keeps pushing the idea of everything in both franchises happening in one big timeline, and ends up tying Yutani Corp’s huge space travel advancements we see in the Alien movies to Predator tech.

There are notable differences between the theatrical cut and the extended one (which is the way to go), but the main events remain unchanged in the latter. AvP: Requiem is set in 2004 too, starting right after the previous movie cuts to black.